Agena (Workstation)
966,00 EUR
Stock Code
Agena Workstation
Included In Sale Price
Drawer mobiles not included in the sale prices for some models.
Good to Know
The price above is for "2-Person Workstation"
Workstation systems allow you to effectively use the office space and to easily create comfortable workplaces which can be open or offer greater privacy. Such a solution of this system increases the efficiency of the office space layout. Efficiently designed workplaces that boost employee productivity and help them succeed in pursuing their goals and enabling both small and large teams to create a workspace ideally suited for collaborative tasks.
Agena (Workstation)
Depth x Width x Height : 142 x 140 x 75 cm
Drawer mobiles are not included in the sale prices.
Width: 160 or 180 cm.
Depth x Width x Height : 142 x 280 x 75 cm
Drawer mobiles are not included in the sale prices.
Width: 320 or 360 cm.
2-Person (L-Shape)
Depth x Width x Height : 302 x 140 x 75 cm
Width: 160 or 180 cm olarak.
4-Person (L-Shape)
Depth x Width x Height : 302 x 280 x 75 cm
Width: 320 or 360 cm.
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